Special Education

St. Anthony-New Brighton (SANB) provides comprehensive programs for students with disabilities.  Service is provided to students who range in age from birth through high school, with some students receiving services until age 21. SANB strives to provide challenging and tailored instruction to students in the general education classroom whenever possible.
Parents and students are directly involved with school and appropriate outside agency staff in the development of the special education program and the student's Individual Education Plan (IEP) for school-age children or Individual Family Service Plan (IFSP) for children in Early Childhood Special Education.  SANB provides special education and related services according to the federal mandates of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the State of Minnesota's rules and statutes.

SANB developed programs to ensure that each student reaches his or her potential.  Inclusive education between regular and special education allows for the opportunity to learn and develop in age-appropriate settings.  Students are provided a quality, individualized education program (IEP) in the least restrictive environment that the IEP or IFSP team deems appropriate from birth to graduation and beyond.  

Our fundamental mission is to meet the individual needs of students with disabilities that promote lifelong learning, independence, and self-advocacy.

We believe:

  • Everyone has the right to be valued, respected, and educated.
  • Students with special needs are entitled to equitable education opportunities provided to them through a range of adaptations, services, and programs.
  • Accountability for student growth and development is shared across home, school, and community settings
  • Successful student-focused transitions are driven by clear communication, shared knowledge, and on-going support
  • Students will work and participate in the community with the life-skills and academics they have learned.

In accordance with a court order, the Minnesota Department of Education must disclose certain information about some former Minnesota students whose birth dates are between July 1, 1998, through June 30, 2001, and who received special education services between July 1, 2019, and July 1, 2022.  Parents can learn more about the court order, what information the MDE is required to disclose, and how to opt out of the MDE’s disclosure at the following site:  Notice of Potential Disclosure of Student Records.


Hope Fagerland

Executive Director of Academics
District Office

Jenny Kuykendall

District Office

April Hindi

Office Administrative Assistant
District Office