English Learners (EL)
Students who are identified as Multilingual/English Learners (ML/EL) in the St. Anthony-New Brighton School District are served in an instructional program designed to meet varying needs across proficiency levels. Licensed teachers are available at Wilshire Park Elementary, St. Anthony Middle School, and St. Anthony Village High School.
Mission of ML/EL program
While honoring and building on the personal and cultural assets of each student, we empower learners with social and academic language skills. We work collaboratively to dismantle systemic barriers, thus ensuring equitable access for all.
ML/EL program goals
- Empowering students
- Social and academic language skills
- Recognizing and celebrating individual differences and acknowledging the whole student
- Building an identity as a learner
- Fostering connections
- Working with staff to meet the needs of our students
Home language questionnaire
A home language questionnaire (HLQ ) is completed for all students who enroll in our district. The HLQ is the first step in determining whether a student is eligible for Multilingual Learner programs and services.
Parent notification of ML/EL services
When a student is first identified as a Multilingual Learner, we notify parents that ML services are available to the student. All parents have the option of declining ML services.
Seven Steps of Multilingual/English Learner (ML/EL) Service
- Step 1: Identification
- Step 2: Program entrance
- Step 3: Parent notification
- Step 4: Service
- Step 5: Annual progress evaluation
- Step 6: Exiting ML services
- Step 7: Reclassification
Step 1: Identification
Step 2: Program entrance
Step 3: Parent notification
Step 4: Service
Step 5: Annual progress evaluation
Step 6: Exiting ML services
Step 7: Reclassification
District contact
Viviana Chavez Garcia
ML/EL District Coordinator
Bilingüe en Español/Inglés
School: 612-706-1061
ML/EL District Coordinator
Bilingüe en Español/Inglés
School: 612-706-1061